Non straight identity on Facebook

by gabriella


Ci sono 58 diciture su Facebook per descrivere la propria identità sessuale. Ma se nessuna fosse adatta a noi, ora possiamo scegliere anche l’opzione gender-free.

Last year we were proud to add a custom gender option to help people better express their identities on Facebook. We collaborated with our Network of Support, a group of leading LGBT advocacy organizations, to offer an extensive list of gender identities that many people use to describe themselves. After a year of offering this feature, we have expanded it to include a free-form field.

Now, if you do not identify with the pre-populated list of gender identities, you are able to add your own. As before, you can add up to ten gender terms and also have the ability to control the audience with whom you would like to share your custom gender. We recognize that some people face challenges sharing their true gender identity with others, and this setting gives people the ability to express themselves in an authentic way.

The expanded custom gender option is available to everyone who uses Facebook in US English.

La speranza, spiega all’Associated Press l’ingegnere Ari Chivukula, che si identifica come transgender e ha preso parte al team di Facebook che ha contribuito a creare la nuova opzione, è che si “apra il dialogo” per tutte quelle persone che non si riconoscono come maschio o femmina.


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